Wednesday, March 24, 2021

INFERNO, Canto XVI, illustration 3

Title: "O Florence! Your sudden wealth and your upstart
rabble, dissolute and overweening,
already set you weeping in your heart!"

11.25 x 8.5 inches
acrylic paint on found paper
March 21, 2021
image 2308

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

INFERNO, Canto XVI, illustration 2

Title: "Guido Guerra was the name he bore,
the good Gualdrada's grandson. In his life
he won great fame in counsel and in war.
The other who behind me treads this sand
was Tegghiaio Aldobrandi, whose good counsels
the world would have done well to understand.
And I who share in their torment, in my life
was Jacopo Rusticucci, above all
I owe my sorrows to a savage wife."

15.75 x 10.875 inches
acrylic paint on found paper
March 16, 2021
image 2307

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

INFERNO, Canto XVI, illustration 1

Title: …three shades turned together on the plain,
breaking toward us from a company
that went its way to torture in that rain.

8.5 x 11.25 inches
acrylic paint and collage on found paper
March 14, 2021
image 2306

Sunday, March 14, 2021

INFERNO, Canto XV, illustration 4

Title: "…if you had any longing for such scum,
you might have seen that one the Servant of Servants
sent from the Arno to the Bacchiglione
where he left his unnatural organ wrapped in cerements."

10.875 x 15.75 inches
acrylic paint on found paper
March 12, 2021
image 2305

Thursday, March 11, 2021

INFERNO, Canto XV, illustration 3

Title: "Ah, had I all my wish," I answered then.
"you would not yet be banished from the world
in which you were a radiance among men,
for that sweet image, gentle and paternal,
you were to me in the world when hour by hour
you taught me how man makes himself eternal,
lives in my mind, and now strikes to my heart..."

15.5 x 10.875 inches
acrylic paint and collage on found paper
March 11, 2021
image 2304

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

INFERNO, Canto XV, illustration 2

Title: And I, when he stretched out his arm to me,
searched his baked features closely, till at last
I traced his image from my memory
in spite of the burnt crust, and bending near
to put my face closer to his, at last
I answered: "Ser Brunetto, are you here?"

16 x 10.875 inches
acrylic paint and collage on found paper
March 9, 2021
image 2303