Tuesday, December 22, 2020

INFERNO, Canto XV, illustration 1

Title: …a company of shades came into sight
walking beside the bank. They stared at us
as men at evening by the new moon's light
stare at one another when they pass by
on a dark road…

10.25 x 7.5 inches
acrylic paint and collage on found paper
December 15, 2020
image 2297

INFERNO, Canto XIV, illustration 4

Title: "…the unburning margins form a lane
and by them we may cross the burning plain."

11.75 x 8.25 inches
acrylic paint, collage, and ink on found paper
December 10, 2020
image 2295

INFERNO, Canto XIV, illustration 3

Title: His head is made of gold; of silverwork
his breast and both his arms, of polished brass
the rest of his great torso to the fork.
He is of chosen iron from there down,
except that his right foot is terra cotta;
it is this foot he rests more weight upon.
Every part except the gold is split
by a great fissure from which endless tears
drip down and hollow out the mountain's pit.

15.75 x 10.875 inches
acrylic paint and collage on found paper
December 7, 2020
image 2294

Thursday, December 3, 2020

INFERNO, Canto XIV, illustration 2

Title: At this my Guide spoke with such vehemence
as I had not heard from him in all of Hell:
"O Capaneus, by your insolence
you are made to suffer as much fire inside
as falls upon you. Only your own rage
could be fit torment for your sullen pride."

10.75 x 12.25 inches
acrylic paint and collage on found paper
December 3, 2020
image 2293

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

INFERNO, Canto XIV, illustration 1

Title: And over all that sand on which they lay
or crouched or roamed, great flakes of flame fell slowly
as snow falls in the Alps on a windless day.

10.875 x 15.75 inches
acrylic paint, collage, and ink on found paper
November 30, 2020
image 2292

Sunday, November 29, 2020

INFERNO, Canto XIII, illustration 4

Title: Then at his back
the wood leaped with black bitches, swift as greyhounds
escaping from their leash, and all the pack
sprang on him…

11.75 x 10.25 inches
acrylic paint and collage on found paper
November 28, 2020
image 2291

Saturday, November 28, 2020

INFERNO, Canto XIII, illustration 3

Title: "Briefly is the answer given: when
out of the flesh from which it tore itself,
the violent spirit comes to punishment,
Minos assigns it to the seventh shelf.
It falls into the wood, and landing there,
wherever fortune flings it, it strikes root
and there it sprouts, lusty as any tare,
shoots up a sapling, and becomes a tree."

10 x 8 inches
collage and ink on watercolor paper
November 26, 2020
image 2290

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

INFERNO, Canto XIII, illustration 2

Title: Puzzled, I raised my hand a bit and slowly
broke off a branchlet from an enormous thorn:
and the great trunk of it cried: "Why do you break me?"

10.625 x 7.75 inches
acrylic paint and collage on found paper
November 24, 2020
image 2289

INFERNO, Canto XIII, illustration 1

Title: Here nest the odious Harpies of whom my Master
wrote how they drove Aeneas and his companions
from the Strophades with prophecies of disaster.

12.25 x 10.625 inches
acrylic paint and collage on found paper
November 23, 2020
image 2288

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

INFERNO, Canto XII, illustration 4

Title: Some stood up to their lashes in that torrent
and as we passed them the huge Centaur said:
"These were the kings of bloodshed and despoilment.
Here they pay for their ferocity."

10.5 x 8 inches
acrylic paint and collage on found paper
November 10, 2020
image 2287

Thursday, November 5, 2020

INFERNO, Canto XII, illustration 3

Title: "The one in the middle staring at his chest
is the mighty Chiron, he who nursed Achilles…"

12.25 x 10.75 inches
acrylic paint and collage on found paper
October 29, 2020
image 2286

INFERNO, Canto XII, illustration 2

Title: But turn your eyes to the valley; there we shall find
the river of boiling blood in which are steeped
all who struck down their fellow men.

10.75 x 8.25 inches
acrylic paint, collage, and ink on found paper
October 27, 2020
image 2285

Friday, October 23, 2020

INFERNO, Canto XII, illustration 1

Title: …and there
at the very top, at the edge of the broken cleft,
lay spread the Infamy of Crete, the heir
of bestiality and the lecherous queen
who hid in a wooden cow.

15.75 x 10.875 inches
acrylic paint and collage on found paper
October 22, 2020
image 2284

Friday, October 16, 2020

INFERNO, Canto XI, illustration 4

Title: "But come, for it is my wish now to go on:
the wheel turns and the Wain lies over Caurus,
the Fish are quivering low on the horizon,
and there beyond us runs the road we go
down the dark scarp into the depths below."

11.375 x 8.75 inches
acrylic paint and collage on found paper
October 16, 2020
image 2283

Thursday, October 15, 2020

INFERNO, Canto XI, illustration 3

Title: "Master," I said, "the clarity of your mind 
impresses all you touch; I see quite clearly
the orders of this dark pit of the blind."

11.75 x 9.125 inches
acrylic paint and collage on found paper
October 14, 2020
image 2282

Saturday, October 10, 2020

INFERNO, Canto XI, illustration 2

Title: "My son," he began, "there are below this wall
three smaller circles, each in its degree
like those you are about to leave, and all
are crammed with God's accurst."

15.75 x 10.875 inches
acrylic paint on found paper
October 9, 2020
image 2281

Friday, October 9, 2020

INFERNO, Canto XI, illustration 1

Title: And here the stink
thrown up by the abyss so overpowered us
that we drew back, cowering behind the wall
of one of the great tombs…

11.875 x 8.25 inches
acrylic paint, collage, and ink on found paper
October 8, 2020
image 2280

Friday, October 2, 2020

INFERNO, Canto X, illustration 4

Title: "We see asquint, like those whose twisted sight
can make out only the far-off," he said,
"for the King of All still grants us that much light.
When things draw near, or happen, we perceive
nothing of them. Except what others bring us
we have no news of those who are alive."

11.875 x 8.125 inches
acrylic paint, collage, and ink on found paper
October 1, 2020
image 2279

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

INFERNO, Canto X, illustration 3

Title: "But the face of her who reigns in Hell shall not
be fifty times rekindled in its course
before you learn what griefs attend that art."

15.5 x 10.875 inches
acrylic paint, collage, and ink on found paper
September 30, 2020
image 2278

Saturday, September 26, 2020

INFERNO, Canto X, illustration 2

Title: My eyes were fixed on him already. Erect,
he rose above the flame, great chest, great brow;
he seemed to hold all Hell in disrespect.

15.5 x 10.875 inches
acrylic paint, collage, and ink on found paper
September 25, 2020
image 2277

Thursday, September 24, 2020

INFERNO, Canto X, illustration 1

Title: "O Tuscan, who go living through this place
speaking so decorously, may it please you pause
a moment on your way, for by the grace
of that high speech in which I hear your birth,
I know you for a son of that noble city
which perhaps I vexed too much in my time on earth."

11.75 x 7.875 inches
acrylic paint and collage on found paper
September 23, 2020
image 2276

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

INFERNO, Canto IX, illustration 4

Title: ...the uneven tombs cover the even plain -
such fields I saw here, spread in all directions,
except that here the tombs were chests of pain

12.25 x 10.5 inches
acrylic paint and collage on found paper
September 21, 2020
image 2275

Thursday, September 17, 2020

INFERNO, Canto IX, illustration 3

Title: Clearly he was a Messenger from God's Throne,
and I turned to my Guide; but he made a sign
that I should keep my silence and bow down.

12.25 x 10.5 inches
acrylic paint, collage, and ink on found paper
September 16, 2020
image 2274

Sunday, September 13, 2020

INFERNO, Canto IX, illustration 2

Title: ...all at once three hellish and inhuman
Furies sprang to view, bloodstained and wild.
Their limbs and gestures hinted they were women.

15.5 x 10.875 inches
acrylic paint, collage, and ink on found paper
September 12, 2020
image 2273

Thursday, September 10, 2020

INFERNO, Canto IX, illustration 1

Title: "Once before, it is true, I crossed through Hell
conjured by cruel Erichtho who recalled
the spirits to their bodies. Her dark spell
forced me, newly stripped of my mortal part,
to enter through this gate, and summon out
a spirit from Judaica."

12.25 x 10.5 inches
acrylic paint, collage, and ink on found paper
September 9, 2020
image 2272

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

INFERNO, Canto VIII, illustration 4

Title: "O my beloved Master, my Guide in peril,
who time and time again have seen me safely
along this way, and turned the power of evil
stand by me now," I cried…

16.25 x 11 inches
acrylic paint and collage on found paper
September 7, 2020
image 2271

Monday, September 7, 2020

INFERNO, Canto VIII, illustration 3

Title: Above the gates more than a thousand shades
of spirits purged from Heaven for its glory
cried angrily: "Who is it that invades
Death's Kingdom in his life?"

15.5 x 10.875 inches
acrylic paint and collage on found paper
September 5, 2020
image 2270

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

INFERNO, Canto VIII, illustration 2

Title: And shortly after, I saw the loathesome spirit
so mangled by a swarm of muddy wraiths
that to this day I praise and thank God for it.
"After Filippo Argenti!" all cried together. 
The maddog Florentine wheeled at their cry
and bit himself for rage.

15.5 x 10.875 inches
acrylic paint, collage, and ink on found paper
August 7, 2020
image 2263

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

INFERNO, Canto VIII, illustration 1

Title: Returning to my theme, I say we came
to the foot of a Great Tower; but long before
we reached it through the marsh, two horns of flame
flared from the summit, one from either side
and then, far off, so far we could scarce see it
across the mist, another flame replied.

11.25 x 10.75 inches
collage and ink on found paper
August 4, 2020
image 2262

Monday, August 17, 2020

INFERNO, Canto VII, illustration 4

Title: They thumped at one another in that slime
with hands and feet, and they butted, and they bit
as if each would tear the other limb from limb.

11.75 x 12.25 inches
acrylic paint and collage on LP cover
July 28, 2020
image 2260

Sunday, August 16, 2020

INFERNO, Canto VII, illustration 3

Title: No mortal power may stay her spinning wheel.
The nations rise and fall by her decree. 
None may foresee where she will set her heel…

15.75 x 10.875 inches
acrylic paint and collage on found paper
July 23, 2020
image 2259

INFERNO, Canto VII, illustration 2

Title: Here, too, I saw a nation of lost souls,
far more than were above: they strained their chests
against enormous weights, and with mad howls
rolled them at one another. Then in haste
they rolled them back, one party shouting out:
"Why do you hoard?" and the other: "Why do you waste?"

10.875 x 15.75 inches
acrylic paint, collage, and ink on found paper
July 16, 2020
image 2258

INFERNO, Canto VII, illustration 1

Title: "Papa Satan, Papa Satan, aleppy,"
Plutus clucked and stuttered in his rage…

15.5 x 10.875 inches
acrylic paint and collage on found paper
July 8, 2020
image 2257